Our occupational medical documentation software
General characteristics
- Individual sorting and grouping of all personal and overall overviews
- Storage of user-defined settings (grouping, sorting, column arrangement, etc.) of all personal overviews
- Parallel processing of several subjects
- Status information for each occupational medical procedure about first processing, last change and completion for complete documentation of the chain of responsibility
- Delivery status of the database with complete configuration in accordance with 'Best Practice' for an immediate start
- Clear classification of the overall system for fast, lean applications (evaluations, documentation, device control, configuration, laboratory data import, system administration, word processing)
Modules/program parts/components
- Own, integrated PDF viewer
- Own word processing program 'MuN-Text'; storage of letters and templates in the database; storage of the letters directly with the test person
- Connection of the external laboratory for electronic laboratory data collection
- Connection of all common med. devices (audiometry, blood pressure measurement, ECG / ergometry, visual field measurement, eye test, spirometry, twilight vision, psychological test procedure)
- Evaluations for all occupational medical data with individual query parameters, filter options and definition of query operators to limit the query results to report
- Differentiation in query design and query execution in evaluations
- Reporting with about 40 reports
- Definition of any preventive medical checkups and profiles
- Self-defined examinations
- Configuration possibility of 'body. Examination ', all catalogs (list boxes), anamnesis, complaint and laboratory profiles, vaccinations, titers
- Address book for internal addresses, external doctors, authorities, professional associations, hospitals, health insurance companies for serial letter access via the word processing program
- Separation into global and local configuration elements for the specification of global company standards with conditional local characteristics

Sign biometrically
So-called advanced e-signatures not only save you from printing out the documents, but also the subsequent scanning process to save the signed document in the subject's health record. With MEDAS you can sign any documents, such as vaccination information, consent forms, medical certificates via a signature pad and you are still legally secure.
Documentation functions
- Storage of PDF files at the subject
- Differentiation in offer, compulsory, wish prevention and aptitude test for differentiated doctors certificates
- Special surveillance indicator for early, due provisions with a shorter follow-up period
- Chronological representation of occupational hazards with monitoring status
- Vaccination documentation for poly-/monovalent vaccines
- Vaccination planning
- Ambulance documentation
- Association book for accident documentation
- Consultation
- ICD-10 diagnosis thesaurus, own diagnoses and quick access to the most recent diagnoses per subject
- Permanent diagnoses
- Permanent medication
- Preventive/period monitoring
- Reminder function for all processes
- Chronological cross-sectional views with origin for 'Chem. Laboratory', 'Germany Score', 'Diagnoses', 'Measures', 'Medications', 'Vital Parameters' and 'Titer'
- Germany Score
- Work ability index (ABI/WAI)
- Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS)
- Eye-catching, optical warning system for permanent medication, permanent diagnosis, markers and important notes
- Differentiation of occupational health care implementation in 'published' and 'according to file'
- Ability profile
- Vital signs
- One to four-tier company base
- Separation of company maintenance into 'import-relevant structures' and manual company maintenance for external companies
- Diary; Series and group appointments; views by day, week and month; simultaneous administration of several diaries; reminder function
- Appointment lists across all users and subjects; today, reminders, completed/open operations, due operations, due provisions
- Comprehensive waiting room function
- Delete function acc. data protection guidelines and occupational medical regulations
- Archiving function and automation for manual subject archiving and automatic subject archiving in connection with the import of personnel data
- Personnel data import interface
- Duplicate reconciliation function for streamlining the personnel base or merging subjects
Personal desktop
- Personal control center for each user with the personal worklists 'Today', 'Reminders', 'Completed tasks', 'Open tasks' and 'Due tasks'
- Personal waiting room
- Quick access to the last selected subjects per user
- Central patient file of all completed and open processes in the subject
- Individual, user-defined links for accessing the most common processes
- Clearly structured individual lists for the most common occupational medical procedures
System security
- Own system administration for users and roles with hierarchical authorization system
- Over 60 individual function rights for the definition of granular roles
- Security, error and action log for documenting rights assignments, account / user locks and data changes for occupational health and safety transaction data
- Printer monitoring with printer release against unintentional printing on unauthorized network printers
- LDAP connection to the ActiveDirectory
- SmartCard authentication
- SignaturePad connection for biometic, digital signatures